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About Us

The Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee of the United Nations General Assembly focuses on issues dealing with fundamental human rights in the international community.

It promotes and enforces basic freedoms and ideals meant to be enjoyed by the entire international community such as the right to life, the expression of cultures, the freedom of political participation, the protection of children’s rights, and the promotion of social development, among many others.

Our Agenda

Discussing protection of civilians in war torn areas with special reference to children in the Middle East​

Letter from the Chair

Dear delegates, 


Welcome to Ashoka MUN SOCHUM 2023! 


We are pleased to welcome you as this year’s delegates of the ASHOKA UNIVERSITY MUN 2023 - UNGA-SOCHUM. While detailed knowledge of the committee is provided in the study guide, to give you a brief introduction, we feel the need to set this committee up because there is a need for putting a check on the medical standards and availability of medical resources to all, analysing its status and understanding the solution it presents to modern-day inequality problems. Throughout the committee, the board would be helping you to understand the traits of diplomacy, logical analysis and argumentative debating. This guide, although very comprehensive and factual, provides only a basic idea of the agenda. The delegates under no circumstances should limit their research to this guide. This guide is just to make the delegates understand the agenda and the way to make their addresses. We expect from members of this committee that you respect everyone's views, maintain general decorum and most importantly, understand the gravity of these issues and discuss effective solutions. In case of any queries or clarifications, feel free to contact the EB via mail. We look forward to seeing you! 


Best Wishes, 

The Executive Board, 


Executive Board


Domil Johnson 



Karandeep Singh Gill


Akshit Gupta_SOCHUM_edited.jpg

Akshit Gupta

Vice Chairperson


Aarushi Basu


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